Environmental, Social and Governance

MTGlobal maintains a firm commitment to corporate social responsibility and ESG(environmental, social and governance) criteria that have made us an agency committed to respecting the environment and the surroundings.


Environment and
Climate Change


Society and Culture


Local development


How do we apply our corporate responsibility policy?

Hand in hand with Qalma, partners in a journey that has made us a leading CSR agency, we have engaged in an internal process of evaluating our social conscience.

We are constantly looking at how we can add value to our work and engage our teams, partners and customers in the fight for a more sustainable world.


Corporate Social Responsibility

As a company, we have decided, for years now, to engage in various projects that give shape to our corporate social responsibility. Do you want to meet them? For MTGlobal, each and every one of them is part of our DNA. Throughout these years, we have sought to engage our teams and departments in each and every one of these objectives.

Whole World Water

Whole World Water

Médicos del Mundo

Médicos del Mundo

Bosque Travel Advisors

Bosque Travel Advisors

SOS Aldeas Infantiles

SOS Aldeas Infantiles

Tanzania Project

Tanzania Project



Save The Children

Save The Children

Mensajeros de la Paz

Mensajeros de la Paz

ESG Criteria

MTGlobal is a company that adapts every day to sustainability and corporate social responsibility regulations. For years, this legislation has been leading the way in matters such as environmental conservation, welfare and human rights, as well as the ethical practices that should govern all companies, both in their relationship with society and in their corporate processes.

Medioambiente y cambio climático
At MTGlobal we strive every day to make our planet a better place.

Environment and Climate Change

Clean water and sanitation:

Not a single liter of water is wasted in our facilities. We have made awareness and education about the proper use of water a firm commitment.

Affordable and clean energy:

We adopt energy-saving measures in our offices and in the development of our work. We make customers, partners and teams aware of its importance. We make customers, partners and teams aware of its importance.

Responsible production and consumption:

We prioritize proximity purchasing, we are conscious of waste management and we minimize the impact that our work can have on the environment.

Society and culture

We strive to find the projects that can contribute the most to people’s well-being.

Society and culture

End of poverty:

We promote socioeconomic growth in our environment and participate in national and international humanitarian programs and projects.

Health and wellness:

We strive to promote beneficial and healthy activities both in our environment and among our team. We are also very demanding in terms of PRL.

Education and quality:

We train our staff, educate on sustainable development and are involved in educational projects that can help those who need us most.

Gender equality:

We involve all our staff in the importance of equality and monitor the implementation of all policies in this regard, making us a company of opportunities.

Sustainable Cities and Communities:

Cities cannot be enemies. We take care of them so that we can continue to make them our home and places we can enjoy.

Peace, Justice and solid Institutions:

We measure the quality of all our actions through responsible and reliable management systems. Our commitments, best practices and efforts deserve it.

Gobernanza y economía
Governance and economics:

We help to eradicate behaviors that do not correspond to human rights and respect for the environment.

Governance and economics

Zero hunger:

We have adopted measures to prevent food waste; our caterings are zero kilometer. Our goal is always responsible and sustainable consumption.

Decent work and economic growth:

We always strive to offer quality employment and encourage development and training, always seeking to improve, even more, the immense talent of our team.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure:

In all our departments, we strive to find the most technological and sustainable solutions to minimize the footprint of our activities.

Reduction of inequalities:

Equal opportunity is in our DNA, in our way of being and thinking. Our philosophy is to eliminate all discrimination.

Alliances to achieve objectives:

We strengthen ties and collaborate with institutions or entities in order to seal agreements and alliances that establish a perfect synergy in the achievement of the SDGs.

Our values

Committed to wellness and sustainability

In line with our commitment to leave as little impact as possible, at MTGlobal we believe in the importance of participating in projects and actions that add value. That is why we have aligned ourselves with Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle to achieve international certification in tourism sustainability. In addition, we work together with Green & Human to promote the development of a sustainable tourism model that respects our environment.