In an increasingly digitalized world, organizing conferences presents new challenges and opportunities.

Talking about conferences means discussing large-scale events that serve as meeting points for professionals, academics, and experts from a specific sector to share knowledge, address common interests, and establish valuable connections through networking.
How to organize a congress?
Conferences are usually organized by companies, educational institutions, medical or pharmaceutical associations, and include lectures, roundtables, workshops, and networking opportunities for professionals within a specific sector. Planning a conference requires considering various aspects, which can be summarized as logistics, content, and attendee experience. MTGlobal offers a service with extensive experience in organizing congress that aim to make an impact and create value for both participants and organizers.
The planning of each conference must be done at a thorough level. The first step is to define the objectives based on the audience attending. Depending on the theme, speakers are selected for the conferences. Special attention must be given to the choice of venue, which should have enough capacity to accommodate attendees and the necessary technical resources to ensure its success. No conference is complete without effective communication, starting with an attractive, visual website that offers a user-friendly experience from the start. The use of social media or newsletters is also a valuable tool to communicate any type of message to participants. A good technical secretariat should plan attendee registration, event logistics, registrations, transportation, accommodation, and more. Part of MTGlobal’s role as a conference organizer is to make attendance easier, for example, through our Business Travel & Transfers department.
Types of congress
According to their purpose and format, several types of conferences can be distinguished. Perhaps the most well-known are academic conferences, where research results are typically presented, and discussions are held about advancements and areas of progress in various fields of study. Scientific conferences involve the participation of experts who focus on recent studies in different research areas. On the other hand, business conferences focus on showcasing trends and business strategies. In essence, conferences are the perfect place for various industries and sectors to gather and share practices, evolution, advancements, challenges, obstacles, or possibilities. Each conference is a different universe, but they all share a common goal: exchanging ideas and knowledge among professionals in a collaborative and synergistic environment.
How to analyze the success of a congress?
To analyze the success of a conference, it is necessary to measure aspects such as attendee satisfaction and the most tangible results. Through surveys sent after the event, the participants’ experience can be evaluated, and all suggestions, requests for improvement, or inquiries can be collected. It is also important to analyze metrics such as the number of attendees, social media KPIs, and a press clipping that highlights the event’s impact. Another way to measure the success of a conference is by evaluating the networking opportunities generated, as well as any commercial agreements that were reached. With this data and its subsequent analysis, the organization of future conferences can be improved, and a strategy can be followed to adapt to the needs of each audience.