CONSULTORÍA DE EVENTOS MTGLOBAL, S.A., hereinafter MTGlobal, from the beginning considers that QUALITY, ENVIRONMENT and SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK must be the differentiating and recognizable element of all activities carried out, not as a requirement of our stakeholders, but as a mark of our own identity, under the approach of economic, environmental, labor and social sustainability.

To ensure the future and development of our organization, and to add value to it, our objective is to be recognized by our clients as their main supplier in EVENT CONSULTING, with a greater specialization in COMMUNICATION PLANS, INCENTIVE PROGRAMS, CONVENTIONS, CONGRESSES, EVENTS AND DMC; and as a TRAVEL AGENCY: CORPORATE AND HEALTH TOURISM.

To this end, the Management establishes, documents and implements an Integrated Quality, Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety and Sustainability Management System.

In order to achieve this objective, efforts will be focused on:

  • To ensure the Quality of the services provided, in accordance with the International Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015, UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015, UNE-EN-ISO 45001:2023, BIOSPHERE SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLE through the responsibility and participation of all members of the organization.
  • Effectively assign roles and responsibilities.
  • To provide quality services that meet and exceed the needs of our customers.
  • Prevent possible defects before they occur, working towards “continuous improvement” and communication.
  • Comply with current legislation and the requirements applicable to our activity.
  • Continuously evaluate the Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Sustainability System in order to adapt to the demands of our customers, the environment and society, through:
    • Continuous reviews of the Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Sustainability.
    • Establishment of Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Sustainability indicators that allow us to know the degree of efficiency of our production processes.
    • Encouraging the training of the organization’s personnel in the weak aspects detected during the year, as well as in new trends, tools and methods that allow for the effectiveness and efficiency of the work processes.
    • Research and development of new documents that describe more clearly the activities to be carried out within the organization (procedures, policies, best practices, etc.) and their subsequent implementation.
    • Conducting periodic quality satisfaction surveys to determine the degree of compliance with the expectations of our customers and end users.
  • Maintain direct contact and good communication with our customers, considering their suggestions and complaints as a source for improvement, and evaluating their satisfaction as an objective always to be improved.
  • To manage our resources properly, both human (specialized personnel) and material (economic, technological and financial), in order to optimize results by identifying the costs of non-quality.
  • Raise awareness and motivate the organization’s personnel on the importance of the implementation and development of an Integrated Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Sustainability System.
  • To take care of and work on the commitments we have made in terms of sustainability, adhering to the 17 SDGs of the UN Agenda 2030, and to involve our stakeholders through communication.

The Quality Management System aims to offer our clients a total guarantee of our services, and to achieve the full satisfaction of the interested parties, thanks to the fulfillment of the established requirements. To this end, the Quality Management System has the following fundamental objectives:

  • Management of the quality of the services provided, understood as that part of quality management aimed at PROVIDING CONFIDENCE that the quality requirements will be met.
  • Fulfillment of the requirements requested by our clients, consolidating trust in MTGlobal.
  • Efficient assignment of ROLES and RESPONSIBILITIES

The Environmental Management System aims to protect the environment by minimizing the impact of our activities and promoting actions that add value. Therefore, we are committed to:

  • Make the necessary effort to identify, characterize and minimize the environmental impact derived from the activities of the service provision.
  • COMPLY WITH ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION applicable to our activities, as well as other commitments that may be established, striving to protect the environment around us, prevent pollution and minimize, as far as possible, the potential environmental impact we generate.
  • SENSITIZE, INFORM AND TRAIN on the environmental aspects derived from our activities and on environmental management to all the company’s personnel.
  • Promote INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION with transparency criteria, and INFORM SUPPLIERS AND SUBCONTRACTORS of the measures adopted to protect the Environment, as well as invite them to participate in our Environmental Management, and evaluate them in this matter to know the degree of commitment in the future.
  • Contemplate ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS when planning modifications or expansions of the services provided or of MTGlobal’s facilities.
  • SUSTAINABLE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES, promoting above all energy saving in the development of our activities and reducing as far as possible the consumption of raw materials, as well as the use of more environmentally friendly products.
  • MINIMIZE WASTE GENERATION and manage waste by trying to recover and recycle rather than eliminate whenever possible.

The purpose of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System is to improve the working conditions of workers. Therefore, we are committed to:

  • Comply with each and every one of the precepts established in the applicable laws and regulations on prevention and other commitments that the organization subscribes to, related to OSH HAZARDS, through INFORMATION, TRAINING, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION of workers.
  • To protect the health and integrity of our personnel in relation to the dangers identified for our activities, through a CONTROL OF THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH EACH PROCESS, maintaining a health and safety protection program that allows a better integral development.
  • Investigate and develop appropriate measures to try to prevent occupational accidents and implement appropriate measures.
  • Ensure participation and information and give effect to workers’ right to consultation: inform about the specific risks of their jobs.

This Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety policy has been communicated, on the one hand, to all personnel of the organization, being understood, applied and kept up to date at all levels, with regular monitoring of its effectiveness and compliance and, on the other hand, it has also been communicated to suppliers and subcontractors.

Ed.2 of January 24, 2024

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of MTGlobal.